I love watching movies, so, is very complicated to me decide
which movie is better than other because I like all the genres.
But my favorites are drama and Marvel movies.
1. Infinity War: OMG, I waited for this movie for like ten years, I have the comics and I am a big fan of Marvel. And, additional information: I have a crazy crush on Scarlett Johansson and for the Black Widow's story. For me, this movie was amazing, one of the best in the industry but, the only thing that I think was a mistake (but it is exclusive because I am a crazy fan) is the fact that not all the Marvel characters that should have been, like X-Men, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and others, appearead.

2. Ladybird: This movie almost won the Oscars, but for me, it was the best. I like it because the movie mixes real life drama and a beautiful aesthetic. I love the colors and the shots of this movie. Finally, I feel identified with the protagonist, for being a young woman with unconventional dreams and having an impulsive personality. Freak data: after watching the movie, I thought it would be a good idea to put Saoirse Ronan, the protagonist, in Vogue cover. And two days ago, the Vogue Magazine announced that she will be the next issue. For me, the best of the both worlds.
3. Black Panther: I saw this movie with one of my friends that is a Marvel fan too, so it was very funny talk about it after the cinema. More than a superhero movie, is like an analogy of afroamerican movements and white imperialism. Also, the women characters were so strong and natural, there was no need to force the personalities or making it warriors for trend. The team of actors in the film is wonderful outside and inside the screen, and that made Black Panther a movie so pure to watch. Wakanda Forever.
which movie is better than other because I like all the genres.
But my favorites are drama and Marvel movies.

Wakanda forever!